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Gabrielle Lyon: Why Meat-Eating and Strength Training are Key to Longevity

Is what we think of as "aging" actually a disease of impaired muscle?

Have you heard that eating animal protein causes cancer?

Or that you’ll save the world if you only give up hamburgers forever? 

Despite dutifully reducing our consumption of animal protein for decades, rates of obesity and chronic disease have skyrocketed.  

In the face of relentless anti-meat propaganda, what if the blanket advice to follow strict plant based diets is actually accelerating rates of obesity and disease? 

When I gave up meat as a young athlete for the sake of health and the environment, my results were abysmal. I lost muscle, gained fat, lacked energy, recovered poorly, and my race performance suffered. 

Since plant-based fake meats and meat substitutes are incomplete proteins that are not well absorbed or utilized by our bodies, avoiding high-quality animal protein can lead to poor outcomes in health and performance for children and adults alike. 

Meatless Mondays may sound virtuous, but they’re not saving the environment or solving the obesity epidemic as many are led to believe. 

Indiscriminately blaming cattle for the sins of fossil fuels and industrial agriculture is a mistake. We all want to save the world, but as this week’s guest quips: “we can’t eat our way out of a climate crisis.” 

Whether you’re raising animals or growing crops, industrial agriculture isn’t friendly to the environment or our health. Prioritizing the health of your body and the planet requires that we source real food according to the laws of nature, opting for regenerative agriculture and pasture-raised animals over the products of concentrated feedlots and industrial monocrops.

When it comes to health and performance, eating high quality protein from healthy animals is one of the most powerful weapons we have to fight obesity, muscle wasting, and premature aging. 

Today we’re back with our friend Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a New York Times Bestselling author, podcaster and functional medicine physician specializing in the concept of muscle-centric medicine, which focuses on the largest organ in the body, skeletal muscle, as the key to health and longevity.

In this episode with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, you’ll discover:

  • Why what we think of as aging is actually a disease of impaired muscle

  • The surprising relationship between meat, protein, and cancer

  • How society's focus on weight loss has led to neglect of muscle-building, which is critical for overall health

  • The most effective exercises and training frequency to build skeletal muscle, optimize metabolism, and fight aging

  • And much more…

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