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Mark Divine: Master Your Mind’s Energy to Become Uncommon

How to Redefine Your Relationship with Reality

What does the concept of longevity mean to you?

Does it mean pumping your body full of exogenous hormones, peptides, stem cells, brain implants, and gradually replacing your organs with lab-grown pig parts? Perhaps some of us will sign up to be a brain in a jar? 

Or can we cruise into our second century by living a simple life of self-reflection, meditating deep in the mountains?

After all, in remote corners of the world, there are legends of yogis and spiritual masters living so long that their true age is forgotten to time. 

Indeed, there are many paths on the road to a long life. In the years ahead, the bifurcation between devout transhumanists on a quest to live forever and those who prefer a more natural approach to aging will become more and more obvious. 

Today I’m honored to be joined by our friend Mark Divine, a former Navy SEAL commander, entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and renowned expert in personal transformation, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of the human mind.

In this expansive conversation, we explore the transformative power of silence and self-reflection, the intricate dance between the ego and attachment, as well as extraordinary feats of consciousness, healing and longevity documented in Eastern spiritual traditions. 

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • How to break free from the conditioning and limiting beliefs that lead many of us to a "common" life of quiet desperation

  • Powerful practices to master the mind’s energy by combining Eastern wisdom and Western science

  • Why sitting in silence and witnessing one's thoughts is crucial for deconstructing limiting beliefs and stories, leading to greater freedom and self-awareness

  • How to redefine your relationship with reality to unlock your full potential

  • And much more…

Sit back, open your mind, and this conversation might just change the way you see the world.

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Get “Uncommon: Simple Principles for an Extraordinary Life” by Mark Divine wherever books are sold, including Warwick's, Premiere, Amazon, MacMillian,, and Barnes & Noble.


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